Amazon-verkkokauppa myy joko itse
suoraan tai tarjoaa kauppapaikan itsenäisille yrityksille mitä
moninaisimmille tuotteille. Amazon-verkkokaupan etuna on
palautusmahdollisuus ja ostohinnan saaminen takaisin.
Amazonin kautta voi ostaa Valkeen
korvavalon. Eräs britti, Kerry Macca, oli Valkeen harhaanjohtavan
mainonnan vuoksi erehtynyt ostamaan Valkeen korvavalon ja maksanut
siitä 187,50 GBP, joka lieneekin himpun yli 200 euroa. Laitteen
toiminta ei kuitenkaan ollut vastannut ostajan odotuksia, vaan se oli
sitä vastoin aiheuttanut monia haittavaikutuksia, mikä oli
synnyttänyt tyytymättömyyden tunteen Valkeen korvavaloa kohtaan.
Amazonin reilun toimintatavan vuoksi ostaja pystyi palauttamaan
laitteen ja saamaan maksamansa hinnan takaisin.
Alla on ostajan arviointi Valkeen
korvavalosta. Laite aiheutti ostajalle päänsärkyä ja
Valkee 2 - Miracle cure or expensive
scam? Not for me - Nice idea but expensive and made matters worse..,
10 Dec 2013
After a recommendation and some
internet research I really believed that the Valkee 2 could be the
answer to all of my problems during the winter months. When it
arrived it was packaged beautifully and was with me within 2 days!!!
I unpacked it and exactly as described, it resembled an ipod. I
carefully read the booklet and charged it up eagerly awaiting the
morning to come around - On the first day of use, it felt odd and a
little uncomfortable which I had expected it to but an hour after
using it I had a headache, that night I tossed and turned and had a
very restless night with little sleep. Day Two, I tried again,
following the instructions and yet again, I had a headache and sleep
was even more fitful the 2nd night, day three exactly the same - I
called Amazon and they were BRILLIANT!!! The representative listened
and offered me a FULL REFUND and arranged for a courier to collect.
The courier came on time.
In my humble opinion, if this invention
was a miracle cure then surely there would be more medical back up
and evidence available generally but I couldn't find any. When I was
looking for side effects of using the Valkee 2 as I was very
concerned about the headaches and loss of sleep I did come across an
article: [...]
I will leave you to make your own minds
up, my advice, based upon my own experience is that there are very
few 'quick fixes' in life so I have opted to eat 'mood lifting' fresh
foods and exercise a bit more at this time of year and see how that
I hope this helps people seeking the
Valkee as £187.50 is an awful lot of money - I am only too pleased
that I opted to buy through Amazon as I am certain that had I got it
from another supplier I may not have been to get a refund quite so
quickly and amicably.
Erään Valkeen korvavaloa myyvän
yrityksen markkinointiväittämät
- High level light therapy reduces
symptoms of SAD
- Light shines down the ear canal and
directly to brain
- New, sleek version of original Valkee
Bright Light Headset
- Lightweight and portable
- In clinical trial 92% reported a
reduction in SAD symptoms
Product Description
Valkee 2 is a sleek and sophisticated
update of the original Valkee Bright Light Headset.
Carved from a solid block of aluminium,
it is lightweight but very durable, and feels silky smooth to the
touch. The headset is detachable, the control button lights up to
show treatment time remaining, and the earbuds are ergonomically
redesigned for optimum comfort and fit.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
occurs as a result of a lack of exposure to natural light during the
winter months when days are much shorter. Lack of light means less
serotonin (the feel-good hormone) is produced by our brains, and this
affects are mood dramatically. Symptoms include feeling depressed,
anxious and anti-social, having mood swings, craving fatty and sugary
foods, lacking motivation and feeling lethargic.
For years now High Level Light Therapy
has been used to treat SAD, but the usual method is to sit in front
of a light box for up to an hour each day. Valkee is revolutionary in
its technology, as it directs light directly to the photoreceptors in
the brain via the ear canals. As the brain is sensitive to light, the
effects are much more immediate than when using a light box, and
treatment time is reduced to just 8 minutes each day. In clinical
trials 92% of users saw a reduction in their symptoms within 4 weeks,
proving that the technology works. Some users have even reported an
improvement in their mood after just one session.
Light up your brain; that's where your
mood lives!
Myyjä toistaa kuin opetettu apina
Valkeen kehittämiä valheilta, jotka perustuvat Valkeen ”omiin”
tutkimuksiin, joiden luotettavuus on hyvin kyseenalainen.