Asmo Solutionsin Yhdysvaltojen
patenttihakemus (20170005509) on tullut julkiseksi 5.1.2017.
Vuokaavio kertoo, että laturista puuttuu joissakin muissa latureissa
oleva ominaisuus, jonka avulla laturi kytkeytyy jännitteettömäksi,
kun akku on varautunut täyteen. Asmo-laturissa vaaditaan, että
puhelin irrotetaan laturista. Tämä oli tosin tiedossa jo
Kuten joissakin kommenteissa on
todettu, jos puhelin ladataan yön aikana, laturi pysyy jännitteisenä
niin kauan, kunnes puhelin irrotetaan liitosjohdosta. Tuon ajan
Asmo-laturi on yhtä ”turvaton” tai ”palovaarallinen” kuin
mikä tahansa muu laturi.
Teksti kertoo, että hakemusta oli
muutettu sen jälkeen, kun se oli jätetty patenttivirastoon
tammikuussa 2015. Vaatimukset 1–9 on poistettu. Koska ensimmäiset
vaatimukset ovat aina tärkeimpiä ja seuraavat vaatimukset ovat
niitä täydentäviä ja tarkentavia, näyttää siltä, että loput
kahdeksan vaatimusta ovat enemmän tai vähemmän uusia.
Poistetut vaatimukset taitavat olla
samoja, jotka WIPO torppasi viime elokuussa. Kuten aikaisemmin on
todettu, A1-vaiheesta on pitkä matka B-vaiheeseen, joka on siis
myönnetty patentti. Siinä voi kaikkine selvittelyineen kulua jopa
useita vuosia.
Vaatimukset ovat patentin tärkein
kohta, ja niistä riidellään lakituvassa. Mikään ei takaa, että ne olisivat
sellaisenaan lopullisessa patentissa, jos sellainen tullaan koskaan
Tässä ne ovat.
1-9. (canceled)
10. A battery charger comprising: an
electrical input connector coupleable with mains electricity; an
electrical output connector coupleable with a device to be charged; a
transformer transforming the mains electricity power from the
electrical input connector to lower voltage power for the electrical
output connector; an on/off-switch between the electrical input
connector and the transformer; and an electronic circuit configured
to control the battery charger; wherein the electronic circuit is
configured to control the battery charger such that if the electrical
input connector is connected to the mains electricity, and the
electrical output connector becomes connected with the device to be
charged, the electronic circuit is configured to sense wake-up
current coming from the device to be charged and the on/off-switch is
controlled on such that the transformer is connected to the mains
electricity, whereby the battery charger starts to charge the device
to be charged.
11. The battery charger of claim 10,
wherein the electronic circuit is configured to control the battery
charger such that if the electrical input connector is connected to
the mains electricity, but the electrical output connector remains
disconnected from the device to be charged, the on/off-switch is
controlled off such that the transformer is disconnected from the
mains electricity, whereby the battery charger does not consume the
mains electricity power.
12. The battery charger of claim 10,
wherein the electronic circuit is configured to control the battery
charger such that if the electrical input connector is connected to
the mains electricity, and the electrical output connector is
connected with the device to be charged, the electronic circuit is
configured to sense when the device to be charged is fully charged,
whereupon the on/off-switch is controlled off such that the
transformer is disconnected from the mains electricity, whereby the
battery charger stops to consume the mains electricity power.
13. The battery charger of claim 10,
wherein the electronic circuit is configured to control the battery
charger such that if the electrical input connector remains connected
to the mains electricity, but the electrical output connector becomes
disconnected from the device to be charged, the on/off-switch is
controlled off such that the transformer is disconnected from the
mains electricity, whereby the battery charger stops to consume the
mains electricity power.
14. The battery charger of claim 10,
further comprising a user-operable switch, which, when operated,
controls the on/off-switch on such that the transformer is connected
to the mains electricity, whereby the battery charger starts to
charge the device to be charged even if a battery of the device to be
charged is empty, which prevents the device to be charged to provide
the wake up current.
15. The battery charger of claim 14,
wherein the user-operable switch is in the electrical output
connector or adjacent to the electrical output connector.
16. The battery charger of claim 10,
wherein the device to be charged operates according to the USB
17. The battery charger of claim 16,
wherein the device to be charged, after being connected to the
electrical output connector, provides the wake-up current in a host
18. The battery charger of claim 17,
wherein the device to be charged changes from the host state to a
device state after a predetermined delay, whereupon the battery
charger starts to charge the device to be charged.